Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stained Glass Mary

It's close to Christmas time. There is frost in the air, people are hustling and bustling. Zooming by with wrapping paper in hand and searching for that perfect gift.

Looking down the Christmas isle, tilted head staring at ornaments, one stands out clear. It made me think of stained glass windows that you'd see in churches.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Weather painted, glued or pulled together by string these bracelets can be an accessory. Paired together with other fashion items or showcased on their own, they have their own unique identity. Either way I like to make pieces that are fun, whimsical, traditional, and that can be repurposed. Its nice to be able to showcase a piece of jewelry not only through sense of style but also by mood. If you like what you see here or are intrested in one for your self email me at

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Can Art

Ever drank a can of soda and wondered what to do with it? In my eyes and mind everything is a paintable surface. I do give back to Mother Earth by doing my part, creating art. What's unique is that the can creates a unique surface to paint on.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Spray Art

You have probably noticed these fast sharp shooters with spray cans. The Spray Can as their tool, making surreal landscapes of planets, comets, pyramids, cities, and nature scenes. These Spray Arts can be made in masses because they can be quickly produced (thanks to their drying time). Me passing them by in NYC, Times Square is how I remember them. Standing on the cold concrete amazed at how quickly hands have to move to acquire a finished piece. They are found far and wide from the streets of LA, NYC, UK, Hawaii, it’s global. It is said to have been started in the 80’s in Mexico but I’m sure it dates farther than that. There are differences between me and them they do them on the street and I make them in my garage. It becomes so enjoyable to make Spray Art for the speed in takes to complete one. It’s hard to achieve an identical piece making each one unique.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ode To An Artist

Keith Haring - Who knows how many times as a little girl my parents drove into busy Manhattan on the FDR."There it is!" I would yell in my head. "It" was the marker that we were getting closer to My aunts house. Soon I would be walking up five flights of exhausting stairs. "It" was none other then Keith Haring's "Crack Is Wack" mural. Keith did many of these public drawings throughout NYC subway systems outlined in chalk over old advertisements, in the 1980's.In grabbing what the environment provided, of course. Keith would paint on metal, plastic and garden sanctuary's. This leads me to believe anything is a paint-able surface! The lines in this painting may be simple but simple isn't the dedication behind it. This painting is in tribute to his "DJ Dog" and my experiment to a late great artist that left behind imprints on the mind... "Radio DJ"


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Introduction: Welcome In

Tripping over my feet at an early age, I believe, is when I stumbled over my first writing utensil. As a child, bright eyed and peeking over my fathers shoulders, I would watch him work on wonderful sketches. Through his instruction I was able to grow and become the eclectic graffiti, still life, abstract, cartooning, unique, and individual artist that I am today. Here I will pay tribute to influential icons of the past, present, and future. The journey may be windswept and my footprints have yet to sink in but the “art as a dreamer” continues to unfold while along this road.